Explicit Argument Identification for Discourse Parsing In Hindi: A Hybrid Pipeline
Shallow discourse parsing enables us to study discourse as a coherent piece of information rather than a sequence of clauses, sentences and paragraphs. In this paper, we identify arguments of explicit discourse relations in Hindi. This is the first such work carried out for Hindi. Building upon previous work carried out on discourse connective identification in Hindi, we propose a hybrid pipeline which makes use of both sub-tree extraction and linear tagging approaches. We report state-ofthe-art performance for this task.
منابع مشابه
OPT: Oslo-Potsdam-Teesside. Pipelining Rules, Rankers, and Classifier Ensembles for Shallow Discourse Parsing
The OPT submission to the Shared Task of the 2016 Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) implements a ‘classic’ pipeline architecture, combining binary classification of (candidate) explicit connectives, heuristic rules for non-explicit discourse relations, ranking and ‘editing’ of syntactic constituents for argument identification, and an ensemble of classifiers to assign discourse se...
متن کاملThe DCU Discourse Parser for Connective, Argument Identification and Explicit Sense Classification
This paper describes our submission to the CoNLL-2015 shared task on discourse parsing. We factor the pipeline into subcomponents which are then used to form the final sequential architecture. Focusing on achieving good performance when inferring explicit discourse relations, we apply maximum entropy and recurrent neural networks to different sub-tasks such as connective identification, argumen...
متن کاملThe Virginia Tech System at CoNLL-2016 Shared Task on Shallow Discourse Parsing
This paper presents the Virginia Tech system that participated in the CoNLL-2016 shared task on shallow discourse parsing. We describe our end-to-end discourse parser that builds on the methods shown to be successful in previous work. The system consists of several components, such that each module performs a specific subtask, and the components are organized in a pipeline fashion. We also pres...
متن کاملImproving a Pipeline Architecture for Shallow Discourse Parsing
We present a system that implements an end-to-end discourse parser. The system uses a pipeline architecture with seven stages: preprocessing, recognizing explicit connectives, identifying argument positions, identifying and labeling arguments, classifying explicit and implicit connectives, and identifying attribution structures. The discourse structure of a document is inferred based on these c...
متن کاملTwo End-to-end Shallow Discourse Parsers for English and Chinese in CoNLL-2016 Shared Task
This paper describes our two discourse parsers (i.e., English discourse parser and Chinese discourse parser) for submission to CoNLL-2016 shared task on Shallow Discourse Parsing. For English discourse parser, we build two separate argument extractors for single sentence (SS) case, and adopt a convolutional neural network for Non-Explicit sense classification based on (Wang and Lan, 2015b)’s wo...
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